A few months ago, I ran into a really weird bug with the System.Net.NetworkInformation.Ping class. I was using it to monitor the network connectivity to a server and as my program ran, it appeared to leak handles. I was calling Dispose (as I should) but it was still appeared to be leaking handles when called over and over.

Here’s the basic code I was running (simplified for this example):

Ping icmp = new Ping();  
icmp.PingCompleted += delegate(object sender, PingCompletedEventArgs e)  
      PingReply reply = e.Reply;  
      Console.WriteLine("Address: {0} - {1}", url, reply.RoundtripTime);  
      icmp.Dispose(); // Get rid of resources
icmp.SendAsync(url, 100);  
// Continue doing work

The code looked ok to me, so I started looking a little deeper. In reality, I found that if I waited long enough, the GC process was cleaning up the unmanaged handles using the SafeHandle class, but I was confused because Dispose should have done that for me. When I looked at the ping class using Reflector, the problem became obvious and it’s a warning to anyone building components that need to free up non-memory related resources.

In order to integrate with the Windows Forms and ASP.NET designer, the Ping component extends System.ComponentModel.Component. This provides the design-time integration with Visual Studio .NET and it also provides some basic plumbing that used to cleanup the component - specifically it implements IDisposable for you and provides a nice virtual Dispose method which you are supposed to override and free your resources. The code follows Microsoft’s IDisposable pattern exactly - providing the IDisposable.Dispose method which delegates to an internal virtual void Dispose(bool isDisposing) method which is the method you should override.

The Ping component uses an internal socket and the ICMP W2K support under the covers to do its work and this socket needs to be cleaned up. So, the author implemented IDisposable to indicate this -

public class Ping : Component, IDisposable  
    private void InternalDispose()  
        if (!disposed)  
             // Cleanup socket and/or ICMP handle resources..  


Note how the author used an explicit interface implementation for the Dispose method. This means we will need to cast the object to an IDisposable interface in order to call the method (something I’m not doing above). In fact, it won’t even show up as a callable method inside VS.NET. There is nothing wrong with this implementation (except of course it doesn’t follow Microsoft’s guidelines) until you add in the derivation from Component. If we add it’s implementation into the mix, and expand it out I get something like:

public class Ping : Component, IDisposable  
    private void InternalDispose()  
        if (!disposed)  
            // Cleanup socket and/or ICMP handle resources..  
    public void Dispose()  
    protected virtual void Dispose(bool disposing)  
        // Remove object from component container

See the problem? I now have a public Dispose method available directly - and intellisense will show that. This is the one I was calling my code when my async call was finished. The problem is that it wasn’t actually disposing the unmanaged resources - it was running the Component.Dispose code.

I need to back up and make another point on this. I wouldn’t have even seen the problem if I had been doing things synchronously. In that case, I would have likely doing a using statement:

using (Ping icmp = new Ping())  
    PingReply reply = icmp.Send(url, 100);  
    if (reply.Status == IPStatus.Success)  
        Console.WriteLine("Address: {0} - {1}", url, reply.RoundtripTime);  

In this case, the C# compiler is nice enough to dispose of the object for me - and it does it by casting the object to IDisposable. So, the generated code would really look like:

Ping icmp = new Ping();  
    PingReply reply = icmp.Send(url, 100);  
    if (reply.Status == IPStatus.Success)  
        Console.WriteLine("Address: {0} - {1}", url, reply.RoundtripTime);  

So, this would end up calling the correct implementation. It was only because I was calling Dispose directly that I had a problem. If the author had followed the IDisposable guidelines, this problem would have been found immediately because the C# compiler would have spit out a warning that public void Dispose() is hiding a base class implementation - cluing the author in that they need to hook into the base class implementation. So, how did this happen? My guess is that originally the Ping class didn’t extend Component. That derivation was added later in order to provide for design-time support.

If you are building components yourself, don’t fall into this trap! Always, always, always use Microsoft’s stated guidelines - here’s a simple example for those not familiar with it:

public class MyResource: IDisposable  
    // Track whether Dispose has been called.  
    protected bool disposed = false;  

    // Implement IDisposable.  
    // Do not make this method virtual.  
    // A derived class should not be able to override this method.  
    public void Dispose()  
        // This object will be cleaned up by the Dispose method.  
        // Therefore, you should call GC.SupressFinalize to  
        // take this object off the finalization queue  
        // and prevent finalization code for this object  
        // from executing a second time.  

    // Dispose(bool disposing) executes in two distinct scenarios.  
    // If disposing equals true, the method has been called directly  
    // or indirectly by a user's code. Managed and unmanaged resources  
    // can be disposed.  
    // If disposing equals false, the method has been called by the  
    // runtime from inside the finalizer and you should not reference  
    // other objects. Only unmanaged resources can be disposed.  
    protected virtual void Dispose(bool disposing)  
        // Check to see if Dispose has already been called.  
            // If disposing equals true, dispose all managed  
            // and unmanaged resources.  
                // Dispose all managed resources here.  

            // Call the appropriate methods to clean up  
            // unmanaged resources here.  
        disposed = true;  

There’s a bunch more information on this topic is section 9.3 of the Framework Design Guidelines - a must read for anyone building class libraries or reusable components.